1. In the Export Utility, click on the View menu and select Directories
What should appear is a Windows Explorer window that shows the converted files. If you get an error message, then there may be a networking issue between the two computers. Please contact your local IT specialist for help in reconnecting the network.
b. If the files do appear, and if the Output Directory is on a different computer than the Export Utility program, then it may be that the connection between the two computers was disconnected. Go back to Export Utility and try running the conversion again.
c. If you still get the error, then it there is probably already a file in the Output Directory with the same file name as the one that is trying to convert. Check the file name of the file still on the Orator (the one that will not convert), and then look for another file in the Output Directory to see if there is a match. If so, you can rename or delete the file that is already in the Output Directory, and that will allow the file on the Orator to go through.