
How to Disable Automatic Windows Updates in my Hosted Orator

Navigate to Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services

Windows Server 2003: 

Once inside Services, right-click on Automatic Updates, and choose the option for Properties

In the Properties dialog box, click the drop-down arrow and choose the option for Disabled.

Click on Stop to end the currently running service, and then click OK.

Windows Server 2008: 

Once inside Services, right-click on Windows Automatic Updates, and choose the option for Properties.

In the Properties dialog box, click the drop-down arrow and choose the option for Disabled.

Click on Stop to end the currently running service, and then click OK.

Windows Updates are now disabled, and will not require a reboot of the server to go into effect. 

Please note that all future critical updates, patches and hotfixes from Microsoft will need to be installed manually once this option is disabled.

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