
How do I download the WavPlayer software?

You can download WavPlayer software from our website for any number of reasons:

  • For a demo
  • As an upgrade
  • Because you've lost the CD
  • Because you selected not to have a CD shipped to you

Please note, if you are upgrading from an existing version of WavPlayer that is currently installed on your computer, you will need to uninstall the older WavPlayer first, before downloading and installing the new version from the website.

Also, if you are downloading a demo of the WavPlayer, click the button that says "Register Later" when you are asked to register.  You can do this for 14 days.

To download the WavPlayer software, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to, or, from the main Bytescribe web page, click on the product page you are looking for. 
  2. On the Downloads page are the different Download Forms.  You can scroll down and find WavPlayer.
  3. Fill out the form, then click the Submit Request button at the bottom of the form.
  4. You will receive an email with the link to download the WavPlayer software.
  5. Once you click on the link from the Software Download page follow the following steps.
  6. Depending on your browser, you should see a box pop up that asks whether you want to Save or Run the installation file.  It is usually best to Save the file, so click the button labeled "Save."
  7. Another box will pop up, giving you options of where to save the file and what to name it.  Leave the name alone, and select Desktop as the place to save the installation file.  Then click the button labeled "Save."
  8. Another little box will pop up, showing the approximate progress of the download. When the download is finished, find the installation file on your desktop and double-click it. 

When you double-click the installation file, the WavPlayer installation will begin.  Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

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